PMS System Procurement
Selecting a new Practice Management system can be a complex process that has significant impact on your overall business strategy. Our 20+ years experience of the procurement process can help minimise time, risk and ultimately cost.
Leading Business Systems
We have extensive experience in working with
Elite 3E
Business Case
We will assist with the formulation of a documented business case with defined stakeholders, budget and roles and responsibilities is an essential foundation for the process.
Templates: Business Case Document, Project Roles & Responsibilities Document
Invitation to Tender Process
It is essential to get the right balance of clearly defined requirements without over complicating the process. A combination of business analysis to understand the organisation's requirements along with our templated process and documentation will ensure a robust tender exercise.
Template: RFP Document, Pricing Matrix
Shortlist Process
Having analysed the responses from interested vendors, it is usual to decide on a manageable shortlist. These vendors will be invited to present their solutions in a series of user targeted workshops.
Each presentation is scored alongside the response to tender documentation resulting in a shortlist of two.
Templates: Scoring Matrix, Security & GDPR checklist
A 'negotiation phase' is then initiated with deeper dives into functionality, integration, pricing, support and contract requirements.
Templates: Negotiation Plan
The Project Steering Group will decide on a recommendation for Senior Management
Templates: Board Proposal, Project Roadmap
Change Management & Post Rollout Support
Change Management is one of the most critical and yet underestimated elements of a core business system implementation. For more details of our Change Management consultancy click here
Post rollout support is critical. Most firms have well embedded support processes that typically involve a form of help-desk usually run by IT. Do not assume that the existing arrangement will adequately cope with the proposed system change. Floor walking, catch up training and access to SME's (subject matter experts) will all be considered and planned for.
There are many other factors to consider including
Is this Finance only or are we looking at the HR, CRM, Case/Document management capabilities?
Public Cloud, Private Cloud or on premises?
Additional modules or integration with existing solutions ?
Out of the box Client/Matter inception or 3rd party?
In 2017 Gateley PLC, a top 20 law firm, engaged 2twenty4 Consulting to assist initiated a project to replace its end of life Practice Management System. This was a complex project as over the years the core financial system had been added to with 30+ in house 'modules' to provide much needed functionality in Marketing, HR and Case Management.
The firm saw this as an opportunity to select not only a replacement for the finance system but a strategic statement with a focus on cloud adoption, efficiency, service, value and client engagement.
The tender process took around 9 months before the right solution at the right price could be presented to the Senior Operational Board.